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    Netanyahu: Anti-Semite No 1 „Rewrites“ History, or so!


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    Netanyahu: Anti-Semite No 1 „Rewrites“ History, or so! Empty

    info Netanyahu: Anti-Semite No 1 „Rewrites“ History, or so!

    Beitrag von lupa Do 22 Okt 2015, 22:54

    Netanyahu: Anti-Semite No 1 „Rewrites“ History, or so! Unname26

    In deed at times new things are found which force one to reconsider historical facts. But also at times people come up with brazen fakes! So does the Anti-Semite No 1, Benjamin Netanyahu!

    Not enough, that hardly anybody hates the majority of the Semites, the Arabs, more than Netanyahu does, not enough that his (and his clique´s) claim to represent the Jews of the world, is highly detrimental to Jewish reputation, now he tries to „rewrite History“ by his comment, Hitler only decided to murder six million Jews by the inspiration of Jerusalem´s Mufti!

    Noboday would have been surprised if the new Nazis in Germany would have come up with such a weird claim, but from that one, who instrumantalizes the Shoa anytime it seems useful to him, to give almost a „pardon“ to the mass murderer Hitler, is astonishing – or - maybe not really.

    More shame on the violator of Human Rights and of International Law, and on the perpetrator of war crimes, Netanyahu!

    Andreas Schlüter


    Netanyahu & Hitler: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.681698

    & http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.681661


    Jews against occupation: https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/jews-against-the-occupation-

    Jewish voice for peace: https://jewishvoiceforpeace.org/

    British MP Gerald Kaufmann on Israel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVfYoA8XSC0

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