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    BBC & Rwanda: Did Kagame´s „Murder Inc“ hit again?!


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    info BBC & Rwanda: Did Kagame´s „Murder Inc“ hit again?!

    Beitrag von lupa So 18 Okt 2015, 00:32


    The US henchman and agent Paul Kagame and his RPF have not only brought horror over Rwanda and are responsible for millions of dead Congolese (http://tinyurl.com/kkpvcf7) but are also „famous“ for murdering political opponents not only within Rwanda and DR Congo but also in many other countries. Are they also responsible for the death of the Ghanaian journalist Komla Afeke Dumor, presenter on Africa of the BBC? It looks like that:


    BBC & Rwanda: Did Kagame´s „Murder Inc“ hit again?! Unname25

    President Kagame meets the Genocidaire No 1 every morning!

    But his backers shouldn´t be forgotten:

    Andreas Schlüter

    My articles on Africa: http://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2014/06/16/african-struggles-for-social-justice-freedom-and-democracy-in-perspective-reflected-in-a-series-of-articles/

    My articles on the USA: https://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2014/02/13/list-of-my-articles-on-the-usa/

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