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    US Power Elite Declared War on the Southern Hemisphere, East .. (WiPoKuLi)


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    info US Power Elite Declared War on the Southern Hemisphere, East .. (WiPoKuLi)

    Beitrag von lupa Mo 14 März 2016, 11:21

    US Power Elite Declared War on the Southern Hemisphere, East Asia and all non-Western Countries in September 2000! by Schlüter

    The State of Global Affairs

     US Power Elite Declared War on the Southern Hemisphere, East .. (WiPoKuLi) Unname12

    Division of the World by the US Military

    Everyone who is not totally blinded by the advertising mainstream media can see certain things clearly about US politics directed by the US Power Elite:

    Obvious are the Western imperial and colonial wars against Africa, Near and Middle East. Obvious is the collaboration of Saudi Arabia and Qatar with the US to destabilize and push Islamist militant fanaticism for example threatening to tear Nigeria apart. Obvious is also the aim to get Africa under US military control by the colonial institution US AFRICOM to handle the problems the US and their Islamist allies have created.

    Obvious should also be the usage of African henchmen like Paul Kagame to plunder DR Congo (which led to more than six million dead Congolese in the last twenty years, see http://tinyurl.com/kkpvcf7). Obvious is also the brutal desire to plunge countries like Libya into a barbaric chaos and end the positive impulses the former regime gave to the efforts for more African economic independence. The same tactics they apply in their desire to destroy Syria. And their efforts to create chaos and repression they apply around the World, especially in Latin America and also in parts of Asia and Eastern Europe. It is all meant to prevent non-Western countries to choose their trade partners freely and to make the best use of their recourses for themselves. And the US Power Elite wants to hinder those countries to trade and cooperate with their “main enemies”, China and Russia ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5SjPLJOjqc ).

    Thus they are also not sparing Europe because their great fear is that Europe gets closer into cooperation with Russia and China (see the “Iron Silk Road” connecting via rail China with the great Duisburg harbor).

    See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzrsDZ8Uo8M

    And thus the US Power Elite is not at all sad about the economic and social pressure in Europe by the many, many refugees they created by their operations to destabilize and destroy countries. The EU may break up before five years have passed. Well, Experts in Africa, Asia/Russia and Latin America might see this clearly.

    “Rebuilding America´s Defenses”, “Nine Eleven” and Biological Warfare

    Africa, the whole Southern Hemisphere, East Asia and all non-Western countries should be alarmed! The democratic masquerade in the USA can not blind the political analyst to the fact that there is a „Deep State“ in the US, run by the Super rich as well as by the heads of „intelligence“ and military (what US President Eisenhower those day called “the Military Industrial Complex”).

    This US Power Elite may count between 50 and 100 persons in deed deciding were US politics will lead. Despite all differences between the „Soft Power“ faction (which is an Orwellian name since those are also not shy to strangulate whole economies) and the Neocons (who like the military boot on the ground) about tactical questions ( http://tinyurl.com/bne6lnr ) they are united in the fierce determination to gain or keep full control of the World. Moreover it´s more and more obvious that the Neocons are even to a high extend in control of the US government based on the Democratic Party. And the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton is in fact the Neoncon spearhead in the Democratic Party ( ). Anyway, a US President is in office, not in power. The Deep State is the decisive force which is obvious at least since Kennedy´s assassination ( http://tinyurl.com/ndzt8ho ). A bit more complicated are things in the Near East, since another “player” plays his limited part, Israel´s Power Elite ( http://tinyurl.com/nugvqjp ) but the global situation is clearly dominated by US politics.

    It is crucial for all people who don´t want being dominated by this self appointed small number of “World Rulers” to understand the guide lines, paradigms and strategies of the Neocon dominated US Power Elite to the full extend. In fact the closest military and intelligence association in this World are the notorious “Five Eyes” ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes ), the coalition of the USA, GB, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, all of them countries whose power elites consider themselves (predominantly) White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP), the World must consider them the “Club for maintaining White World Dominance”!

     US Power Elite Declared War on the Southern Hemisphere, East .. (WiPoKuLi) Unname13

    The dominant Neocon faction of the US Power Elite started planning monstrous deeds already in 2000 (in deed even earlier). There is a paper by the Neocon think tank “Project for the New American Century” issued in September 2000 (among the authors Paul Wolfowitz) under the name “Rebuilding America´s Defenses”:


    It is strange enough that one can find on page 51 something that sounds like the announcement of “Nine Eleven”. After talking about the difficulties to “sell” to the Western public after the end of the Cold War the stepping up of armament one reads: „Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.“ Not too astonishing for those who have studied the absurdities of the “official narrative” about the event. Anyway, Nine Eleven was used to legitimize the “War on Terror” which is in reality a war of terror against the Southern Hemisphere and against civil rights. It did not only kill hundreds of thousands but polluted whole regions by depleted Uranium. The effect is similar to the pollution of Vietnam by “Agent Orange” during the Vietnam War.

     US Power Elite Declared War on the Southern Hemisphere, East .. (WiPoKuLi) Unname14

    What is overall alarming is to be found on page 60 of that paper: “And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”

    This is a real fascist and racist concept and the direct continuation of those days Apartheid Regime´s concept of biological “Race War” in South Africa, manifested in the “Project Coast” under the notorious Wouter Basson. The contrast to the declarations of US politics of defending Human Rights, Democracy and Freedom couldn´t be greater!

    The more or less Hidden Agenda

    Actually the covert strategy of the US Power Elite doesn´t only aim at destabilizing and destroying states if they do not totally submit themselves under US control, but it aims at depopulating whole areas of this World. What this “elite” is seeing are coming recourse scarcity and climate collapse. The problem surfaced already for the “Club of Rome”. The Southern Hemisphere has paid for an enormous technical progress in the industrial countries (millions of dead people by slave trade and colonial wars, starvation, super exploitation), but now the Southerners also want their share.

    Trying to avoid recourse wars and climate collapse could actually be managed by a more just and fair world order and by ending Western “over consumption” and waste, which would mean in the final analysis some sort of ecological oriented Socialism, cooperating closely with other countries on a basis of mutual understanding..

    Such a solution is definitely not to the taste of the US Power Elite and their allies within the “Five Eyes”. They view the problem from another perspective. Anyway, their “scientific helpers” do a lot to deny climate change but that doesn´t mean the Power Elite wouldn´t be aware of it, but are just trying to prevent the majority from the awareness that social action against wild gone neoliberal capitalism is necessary. As said, they themselves are surely aware of the problem.

    Today the problem shows itself more acute because science is now more aware of mechanisms of climate change. If world temperature rises four or five degrees it could make the hitherto enormous amount of frozen Methane Hydrate deep in the oceans come up and lead to another five degree warming which would finally damage world climate, because Methane is much more affecting climate than even Carbon Dioxide. Because of such a process the great mass extinction at the end of perm age might have emerged.

    Those times an enormous area of volcanoes in what is Siberia today raised World temperature for about five degrees and then led to the coming up of Methane Hydrate. The result was the named Permian mass extinction:


    & http://worldoceanreview.com/en/wor-1/ocean-chemistry/climate-change-and-methane-hydrates/

    What obviously is the solution in the minds of the Neocons is depopulation policy towards the Southern Hemisphere and East Asia. The West was medially bashing China for its “One Child Policy” (which might have been inspired by Milton Friedman´s “Chicago Boys” influencing Deng Xiaoping´s government in China). But the Western Elites like playing double games and there are growing concepts for depopulation policy, which were surfacing already in the “Kissinger Report” ( http://nssm200.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/NSSM-200.pdf, further links see down at the end ). So the paragraph on page 60 of “Rebuilding America´s Defenses” is the “consequent” step of the Neocons to “solve” the problem “their way” by a strategy of depopulation towards the Southern Hemisphere and East Asia. In the light of these concepts the recent epidemic outbreaks like HIV, Ebola, SARS and Zika makes one ponder whether they really came up “naturally” ( http://tinyurl.com/mwgjhoo ). See also:

    Depopulation policy: http://rense.com/general59/kissingereugenics.htm



    Bio Race War? “Zika Virus and a Strange Case”:



    Obviously the US Power Elite is choosing the way of Fascism (in this case not the well known type with well known symbols, but “Corporate Fascism”) to solve the problems with the pending risks. They are not interested in a cooperative solution to mankind´s problems. All declarations coming from US politics are thus valueless. No doubt that not only the majority of US citizens might in the end be peace loving people, no doubt even that many in the state apparatus and the US government are not (fully) aware of those monstrous designs and concepts and blinded by the “Terror Narrative”. Often decision makers in other parts of the World are confronted with partially good willing representatives of the “Empire”, which could create illusions.

    The deep analysis nevertheless shows the real extend of the dangers coming from the US Power Elite. Those ones know since long how to use innocent people of their own country not being aware of the final aims. The basic principle is the paradigm of “covert ops” is: “need to know”. It is in the end like with modern production, hardly anyone knows all about the product to be produced. We have to be clear that the degrading term “Conspiracy Theory” and “Conspiracy Theorist”, now widely used, was in its negative connotation an invention of the CIA. It was invented to smear the skeptics towards the cover up of Kennedy´s assassination ( http://tinyurl.com/ck8329d ). In fact we have a monumental conspiracy which could cost the lives of the majority of mankind!

    If all this is true, the World needs an Anti-Fascist alliance to counter these dangers. The BRICS states have much potential (despite internal social problems) and many countries of the Southern Hemisphere might be well advised to intensify cooperation with them and other countries struggling to get out of “Big Brother´s” grip. It could be dangerous for the time since US “intelligence” knows how to create “Terror”, but the alternative might be to totally fall victim to those concepts. Against those concepts not only military and intelligence cooperation is needed but also published analysis meant to reach the majority in Western countries, because the “games” of the US Power Elite are also meaning great hazard for them.

    Andreas Schlüter

    Further Links:

    My articles on Africa: http://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2014/06/16/african-struggles-for-social-justice-freedom-and-democracy-in-perspective-reflected-in-a-series-of-articles/

    My articles on the USA: https://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2014/02/13/list-of-my-articles-on-the-usa/

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