[Krisenprotest] erste Übersicht zu "Call for Solidarity rallies" am 11.2. in Europa - plus,
statements from political economists, trade unions etc.
Betreff: [Alle] erste Übersicht zu "Call for Solidarity rallies" am 11.2. in Europa - plus, statements from political economists, trade unions etc.
Liebe Leute
das ist zwar auf Englisch, aber ich denke das macht nichts, ne gute Zusamenstellung der bisher uns bekannten Aktivitäten rund um den 11.2.
In Deutschland wird es eine Blockupy PK auf den Stufen sozusagen der EZB morgen um 11.15 Uhr geben (http://blockupy.org/4926/pm-morgen-blockupy-pk-mit-ig-metall-vorstand-urban/), in Berlin um 16.30 Uhr eine Kundgebung vor der EU Vertretung, Unter den Linden (https://www.facebook.com/events/842161239160990/); dazu in Bremen: https://www.facebook.com/events/812119458825746/ und München: https://www.facebook.com/events/438772129621655/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
Aber seht selber
Mit solidarischen Grußen
Betreff: [Blockupy International] Call for Solidarity rallies on 11 February - some overview of activities - plus, statements from political economists, trade unions etc.
Dear All,
this is just wonderful – just within days, mails are pouring in where rally, marches, actions etc. will happen tomorrow or in the following days. In Greece, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, France, Denmark, Germany, New York …. And probably, I just got to know bits and pieces from those lists I have subscribed to. I am sure, there is much more.
Blockupy will hold a active press conference on the doorsteps of the ECB in Frankfurt.
We compiled some of the info on activities on Feb. 11th and beyond in Blockupy goes Athens. http://blockupy-goes-athens.tumblr.com/post/110544193755/11f-european-action-days-uebersicht-wird (or you go to http://blockupyorg/ - it is linked with each other). For sure it is not complete yet, but impressive to see already!
The compilation on the website is a mixture of English and German, but I am sure, you get the important things and links.
I copied this also in the text, so you get an overview of all things right here. Below I also copied several declarations by trade unions and a network of political economists for your info into this mail
Feel free to share with your friends
And, check out the new English Blockupy website at https://int.blockupy.org (or go directly to http://blockupy.org/en) – it’s really worth a new visit!
#11F: European Action Days/Übersicht (wird aktualisiert)
Action Day on February 11th in Greece and Europe. Collection below.
This Wednesday there will be action days in Greece and all over Europe. In an unscheduled meeting of the Europgroup on Wednesday, the Greek debt will be negotiated, trying to deepen the pressure against the Greek to hold onto the austerity politics.
CALL: http://www.transform-network.net/blog/blog-2015/news/detail/Blog/the-greek-people-needs-our-solidarity.html
First Overview - Erste Übersicht:
Kastoria https://www.facebook.com/events/386105781571453/
Larissa: https://www.facebook.com/events/951947241489905/
Lamia https://www.facebook.com/events/1394520704187669/
Lesvos https://www.facebook.com/events/1525174067745425/
Patras https://www.facebook.com/events/444402819057260/
Rethymno https://www.facebook.com/events/362412387275001/
Thessaloniki: https://www.facebook.com/events/1555015281403199/
Volos: https://www.facebook.com/events/573916049378673/
Zypern: https://www.facebook.com/events/1569624856588095/
London 14/2/2015https://www.facebook.com/GreeceSolidarityCampaign/photos/a.363428780381423.82309.359706897420278/827901720600791/
Porto: https://www.facebook.com/events/384308661739115/ Lisboahttps://www.facebook.com/events/1410336692595952/
Bremen: https://www.facebook.com/events/812119458825746/
Berlin: https://www.facebook.com/events/842161239160990/
München: https://www.facebook.com/events/438772129621655/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
—FRANKREICH — https://www.facebook.com/grece.france.resistance
Brussels: https://www.facebook.com/events/329913700549925/
Copenhagen: https://www.facebook.com/events/1053187544696368/
Feb 11th
NAPOLI https://www.facebook.com/events/1603613669873724/
ROMA, ore 18 via San Martino della Battaglia
plus sit in: in Rome
and in Naples
FIRENZE ore 17,30 - Corso de’ Tintori angolo Banca d’Italia via Magliabechi
PALERMO https://www.facebook.com/events/1553645241559420/?pnref=story
MESSINA https://www.facebook.com/events/357461954438746/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
BIELLA, Deutch Bank. https://www.facebook.com/laltraeuropa.biella?fref=ts
PADOVA, Banca d’Italia PORDENONE Banca d’Italia
VENICE, Let’s close the german consulat! https://www.facebook.com/events/835941323113571
PRESIDIO GENOVA – Hope is arriving - Ore 17, piazza De Ferraris
PARMA https://www.facebook.com/events/1587541498127219/1587778451436857/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity
ALESSANDRIA https://www.facebook.com/events/1396889307284163/?pnref=story
FERRARA Ore 18 davanti alla Prefettura
Feb 12th GROSSETO Dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 13.00 - Tratto Banca d’Italia - Mercato POMERIGGIO PRESIDIO Dalle ore 17,30 alle ore 19.30 - P.zza Rosselli BERGAMO presidio dalle ore 17,30 P.za Vittorio Veneto.
New York: https://www.facebook.com/events/830638833661834/
There is also some trade unions and political economists statements, compiled here:
The Greek people needs our solidarity!
The pressure on Greece on the part of the European Central Bank, the Euro-group and some EU government has tremendously increased. Counter pressure is necessary.
The undemocratic pressure on a sovereign people contradicts the expectations also of the European public. In recent days, the European Trade Union Confederation, leading German trade unionists, trade union leaders of several European countries such as Ireland, Switzerland, Catalonia and Austria, civil society initiatives and numerous researchers have publicly declared that the new Greek government is not a danger but a chance to Europe and have called the European institutions to an open and positive attitude vis-à-vis the new government. In various countries, UK, Austria, France, Italy, and others members of parliament belonging to different parties have urged constructive attitude towards the new government of Greece.
300 Economists from many countries
Declarations of the European Trade Union Confederation, the Austrian Trade Unions, German trade union leaders
and other Unions statements